2025Unnumbered202420232022202120202019201820172016To view this content, you need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.To do so, please follow these instructions. Name Size Modified Date of creation Ascending Descending Share folder Thumbnails view List view No options... To view this content, you need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.To do so, please follow these instructions. Loading... Name Size Modified Date of creation Ascending Descending Direct link Thumbnails view List view No options... To view this content, you need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.To do so, please follow these instructions. Name Size Modified Date of creation Ascending Descending Direct link No options... 001 DM NO. 001, S.2023 RECONSTITUTING THE DIVISION HUMAN RESOURCE MERIT PROMOTION AND SELECTION BOARD (DHRMPSB)002 DM. NO 002, S. 2023-DIVISION MEMORANDUM RECONSTITUTION OF THE DIVISION PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT TEAM003 DM. NO. 003, S.2023 RECONSTITUTION OF BIDS AND AWARDS COMMITTEE, BIDS AND AWARDS COMMITTEE SECRETARIAT, TECHNICAL WORKING GROUP, INSPECTORATE TEAM AND POOL OF CANVASSERS004 DM. NO 004, S. 2023- SUBMISSION OF STATEMENT OF ASSETS, LIABILITIES AND NETWORTH (SALN) FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2022005 DM. NO. 005, S.2023 CONDUCT OF CONTINUOUS INTERVENTION PROGRAM TO EARLY GRADE LEARNERS WITH DIFFICULTY IN READING AND NUMERACY006 DM. NO. 006, S.2023 GUIDELINES ON THE RESUMPTION OF CLASSES RELATIVE TO THE RECENT OCCURRENCES OF MAGNITUDE 6.0 EARTHQUAKE007 DM. NO. 007, S.2023 SUBMISSION OF PERTINENT DOCUMENTS FOR RECLASSIFICATION THROUGH EQUIVALENT RECORDS FORM (ERF) OF TEACHING AND TEACHING RELATED POSITIONS008 DM. NO. 008 S, 2023- RECONSTITUTION OF DIVISION ANTI-CORRUPTION COMMITTEE OF SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICE OF MASBATE CITY009 DM. NO. 009, S.2023 DIVISION REVIEW AND COMPLIANCE COMMITTEE (RCC) IN THE FILLING AND SUBMISSION OF STATEMENT OF ASSETS, LIABILITIES AND NETWORTH (SALN) AND DISCLOSURE OF BUSINESS INTEREST AND FINANCIAL CONNECTIONS010 DM. NO. 010, S.2023 CALL FOR ACTION AND BASIC RESEARCH PROPOSALS TO BE APPLIED FOR CY 2024 BERF011 DM. NO. 11, S.2023 DIVISION ART COMPETITION IN CELEBRATION OF THE 75TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE DIPLOMATIC RELATIONS BETWEEN EGYPT AND THE PHILIPPINES012 DM. NO. 012, S.2023 1ST REGULAR MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING (MANCOM)013 DM. NO. 013, S. 2023 CY 2023 QUARTER DIVISION PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION REVIEW AND PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT (PIRPA)014 DM. NO. 014, S. 2023 RECONSTITUTION OF DIVISION INVENTORY COMMITTEE AND CREATION OF DIVISION DISPOSAL COMMITTEE015 DM. NO. 015, S.2023 ATHLETIC FUND RESOURCE POOLING AND PRORATED SCHOOL SHARE FOR THE CONCENTRATED TRAINING OF ATHLETES AND COACHES FOR THE 2023 MODIFIED PALARONG BICOL016 DM. NO. 016, S.2023 ADDENDUM TO DIV. MEMO NO. 007, S.2022 RE CONTEXTUALIZED DIVISION RESEARCH MANAGEMENT GUIDELINES017 DM. NO. 017, S.2023 NATIONAL SCHOOL BUILDING INVENTORY SCHOOL VALIDATION, SCHOOL MAPPING, ONLINE NSBI DATA VALIDATION, AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE018 DM. NO. 018, S.2023 SELECTION AND RECRUITMENT OF TEACHER I FOR PUBLIC ELEMENTARY (KINDERGARTEN & SPED) AND SECONDARY (JHS & SHS) FOR SY2023-2024019 DM. NO. 019, S.2023 MANDATORY SUBMISSION OF SCHOOL PROPERTY CLEARANCE FORM FOR REASON OF SEPARATION AND TRANSFER OF SCHOOL PERSONNEL020 DM. NO. 020, S.2023 DISSEMINATION OF REGIONAL MEMORANDUM NO. 56, S.2023 REITERATION OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF MODULAR DISTANCE LEARNING AS PROVIDED IN DEPED ORDER NO. 037, S.2022021 DM. NO. 021, S.2023 BATCH 2 EXPERIMENTAL TRIAL OF DEPED ROV CONTEXTUALIZED MULTI-YEAR RPMS PPSSH TOOLS022 DM. NO. 022, S.2023 PROVISIONAL AUTHORITY TO IMPLEMENT THE AUTOMATIC PAYROLL DEDUCTION (APDS) TO SDO MASBATE CITY023 DM. MEMORANDUM NO. 023, S.2023 SPECIAL MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING024 DM. NO. 024, S.2023 2023 DIVISION SCHOOLS PRESS CONFERENCE (ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY)025 DM. NO. 025, S.2023 2023 DIVISION KINDERGARTEN FESTIVAL OF TALENTS026 DM. NO. 026, S.2023 RESULTS OF THE 2023 DIVISION SCHOOLS PRESS CONFERENCE (ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY)027 DM. NO. 027, S.2023 2023 DIVISION FESTIVAL OF TALENTS (ENGLISH)028 DM. NO. 028, S.2023 SUBMISSION OF SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN (SIP) SY2023-2025029 DM. NO. 029, S.2023 COMPOSITION OF THE DIVISION APPRAISAL COMMITTEE FOR SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN (SIP)030 DM. NO. 030, S.2023 CLINIQUING OF QUALIFIERS TO THE 2023 REGIONAL SCHOOLS PRESS CONFERENCE031 DM. NO. 031, S.2023 RECONSTITUTION OF THE DEPED REGION V- PROVIDENT FUND BOARD OF TRUSTEES AND SECRETARIAT032 DM. NO. 032, S.2023 OFFICIAL MEMBERS OF THE DELEGATION TO THE 2023 REGIONAL SCHOOLS PRESS CONFERENCE033 NO. 033, S.2023: DIVISION GUIDELINES ON THE PREPARATION AND CONDUCT OF END-OF-SCHOOL YEAR COMPLETION AND/OR GRADUATION RITES034 DM. NO. 034, S.2023 GUIDELINES ON THE DISTRIBUTION, ACCOUNTABILITY MEASURES, AND UTILIZATION OF LEARNING PORTABLE COMPUTER TABLETS DONATED BY THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS035 DM. NO. 035, s.2023 2023 REGIONAL FESTIVAL OF TALENTS036 DM. NO. 036, S.2023 ORIENTATION ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE NATIONAL LEARNING CAMP (NLC)037 DM. NO 37 S. 2023- DESIGNATION OF WINEFREDO A. VERACIS AS OIC, CHIEF EDUCATION SUPERVISOR OF THE CURRICULUM IMPLEMENTATION DIVISION038 DM. NO. 38 S. 2023- CY 2023 QUARTER 2 DIVISION PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION REVIEW AND PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT (PIRPA)039 DM. NO. 39, S. 2023- RECONSTITUTION OF MASBATE CITY DIVISION PLANNING TEAM (DPT)040 DM. DM. NO. 40, S.2023 JINGLE MAKING CONTEST TO COME UP WITH OFFICIAL JINGLE AS CAMPAIGN MATERIAL FOR THE ADVOCACY OF NATIONAL LEARNING CAMP (NLC)041 DM. NO. 041, S.2023 CONDUCT OF THE 2023 REGIONAL ACHIEVEMENT TEST (RAT)042 DM. NO. 042, S.2023 NOTICE OF VACANCY AND ASSESSMENT OF APPLICANTS FOR TEACHING-RELATED, TEACHING, AND NON-TEACHING POSITIONS043 DM. NO. 043, S.2023 RECONSTITUTION OF BIDS AND AWARDS COMMITTEE, BIDS AND AWARDS SECRETARIAT AND POOL OF CANVASSERS044 DM. NO. 044, S.2023 RECONSTITUTION OF THE DIVISION INSPECTORATE TEAM045 DM. NO. 045, S.2023 DIVISION LAUNCHING AND ORIENTATION OF KEY STAKEHOLDERS ON NATIONAL LEARNING CAMP (NLC), NATIONAL READING PROGRAM AND NATIONAL MATHEMATICS PROGRAM046 DM. NO. 046, S.2023 CAPACITY BUILDING OF TEACHERS ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE NATIONAL LEARNING CAMP (NLC)047 DM. NO. 047, S.2023 ORIENTATION ON PROJECT VASTS (VARIED & ACCESSIBLE SOURCE OF INFORMATION AND TRAINING SYSTEM)048 DM. NO. 048, S.2023 THE USE OF PAYROLL SERVICE REQUEST FORM FOR REINTEGRATION, STOPPAGE, AND UNPAID BENEFITS049 DM. NO. 049, S.2023 2023 OPLAN BALIK ESKWELA050 DM. NO. 050, S.2023 FINALIZATION OF CY 2024 AND 2025 PLANS AND BUDGET AND WFP PREPARATION051 DM. NO. 051, S.2023 ASSIGNMENT OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS DISTRICT SUPERVISORS052 DM. NO. 052, S.2023 CONDUCT OF COACHING AND MENTORING SESSIONS FOR NATIONAL QUALIFYING EXAMINATION FOR SCHOOL HEADS (NQESH) 2023 CATEGORY B ASPIRING SCHOOL HEADS053 DM. NO. 53 S, 2023- NOTICE OF VACANCY FOR TEACHING-RELATED POSITION054 DM. NO. 054, S.2023 SUBMISSION OF PERTINENT DOCUMENTS FOR RECLASSIFICATION THROUGH EQUIVALENT RECORDS FORM (ERF) OF TEACHING AND TEACHING-RELATED POSITIONS055 DM. NO. 055, S.2023 WORLD TEACHER'S MONTH KICKOFF 2023056 DM. NO. 056, S.2023 DATA GATHERING OF CONDUCTED RESEARCH OF LEARNERS FOR SY 2022-2023057 DM. NO. 057, S.2023 ANNUAL COMPETITION ON STORYBOOK WRITING058 DM. NO. 058, S.2023 CONDUCT OF TRAINING NEEDS ASSESSMENT SURVEY IN CONDUCTING RESEARCH FOR RESEARCH TEACHERS059 DM. NO. 059, S.2023 DIVISION SEARCH FOR THE NLC STARS BEST IMPLEMENTERS060 DM. NO. 060, S.2023 DIVISION WRITESHOP ON THE DEVELOPMENT AND QUALITY ASSURANCE OF LEARNING REMEDIATION AND INTERVENTION RESOURCES IN SUPPORT TO NLRP061 DM. NO. 061, S.2023 DIVISION TRAINING ON CONTENTS AND PEDAGOGIES FOR THE IDENTIFIED LEAST-MASTERED COMPETENCIES IN MATHEMATICS062 DM. NO. 062, S.2023 SEARCH FOR STAFF, TEACHERS, ADMINISTRATORS RECOGNITION (STAR) AWARD- TEACHERS CATEGORY063 DM. NO. 063, S.2023 VIRTUAL VALUES RESTORATION PROGRAM CAPACITY BUILDING IX064 DM. NO. 064, S.2023 CY 2023 QUARTER 3 DIVISION PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION REVIEW AND PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT (PIRPA)065 DM. NO. 065, S.2023 IMMEDIATE COMPLIANCE WITH THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE CLIENT SATISFACTORY MEASUREMENT (CSM) FORM PRESCRIBED BY THE ANTI-RED TAPED AUTHORITY (ARTA) AT THE SDO AND SCHOOL LEVELS066 DM. NO. 066, S.2023 CUSTOMIZED GUIDELINES ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF INVENTORY MANAGEMENT OF SDO MASBATE CITY067 DM. NO. 067, S.2023 2023 NATIONAL TEACHERS' DAY/ WORLD TEACHERS' DAY CELEBRATION068 DM. NO. 068, S.2023 DIVISION TRAINING OF TEACHERS ON MAPEH INTEGRATION FOR LITERACY AND NUMERACY ENHANCEMENT069 DM. NO. 069,S.2023 DIVISION TRAINING-WORKSHOP ON CRAFTING SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN (SIP) GEARED TOWARDS STRENGTHENING LEARNING RECOVERY PROGRAM070 DM. NO. 070, S.2023 COMPOSITION OF THE SUPPLEMENTARY LEARNING RESOURCES MANAGEMENT TEAM AND COMMITTEE FOR LIBRARY HUB071 DM. NO. 071, S.2023 DIVISION TRAINING WORKSHOP ON CRAFTING SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN (SIP) GEARED TOWARDS STRENGTHENING LEARNING RECOVERY PROGRAM072 DM. NO. 072, S.2023 5-DAY ORIENTATION-WORKSHOP ON THE CRAFTING OF DIVISION EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT PLAN (DEDP)073 DM. NO. 073, S.2023 SUBMISSION OF VIDEO PRESENTATION SHOWCASING INNOVATION AND BEST PRACTICES IN SCHOOL-BASED MANAGEMENT.pdf074 DM. NO. 074, S.2023 DIVISION SPORTS CALENDAR OF ACTIVITIES FOR SY 2023-2024075 DM. NO. 075, S.2023 UPSKILLING OF READING COORDINATORS ON EARLY LANGUAGE LITERACY AND NUMERACY (ELLN)076 NO. 076, S.2023 ORIENTATION-WORKSHOP ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF ALTERNATIVE DELIVERY MODES (ADM) PROGRAM IN ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOL HEADS077 DM. NO. 077, S.2023 NOTICE OF VACANCY FOR SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHING POSITIONS078 DM. NO. 078, S.2023 REGIONAL ORIENTATION AND TRAINING-WORKSHOP ON ALS- SHS PROGRAM AS AN ARM OF PHILIPPINE INCLUSIVE EDUCATION079 DM. NO. 079, S.2023 DIVISION WRITESHOP ON THE DEVELOPMENT AND QUALITY ASSURANCE OF SUPPLEMENTAL INNOVATIVE MATERIALS FOR EARLY LITERACY AND NUMERACY DEVELOPMENT080 DM. NO. 080, S.2023 RELEASE OF THE UPDATED TRAINING CALENDAR 2023081 DM. NO. 081, S.2023 STRIDES TOWARDS LEARNING RESURGENCE LRP WAY FORWARD082 DM. NO. 082, S.2023 DIVISION LAUNCHING OF STEP UP (STRENGTHENED TEACHING LEARNING IN EMBEDDED PROGRAM TO UPGRADE PROFICIENCY)083 DM. NO. 083, S.2023 NOTICE OF VACANCY AND ASSESSMENT OF APPLICANTS FOR NON-TEACHING AND RELATED TEACHING POSITIONS084 DM. NO. 084, S.2023 DIVISION TRAINING ON HIGHER ORDER THINKING SKILLS PROFESSIONAL LEARNING PACKAGES (HOTS-PLPS) FOR MATHEMATICS, SCIENCE, AND ENGLISH TEACHERS085 DM. NO. 085, S.2023 ONLINE RE-ORIENTATION ON SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN (SIP) AND PREPARATION OF FY 2024 ANNUAL IMPLEMENTATION PLAN (AIP) AND WORK AND FINANCIAL PLAN (WFP)086 DM. DM. NO. 086, S.2023 DIVISION TRAINING ON FILIPINO SIGN LANGUAGE (FSL) BATCH 2087 DM. NO. 087, S.2023 6B's BAWAT BATANG BICOLANO BIHASANG BUMASA AT BUMILANG A MULTI-STAKEHOLDER APPROACH FOR IMPROVING LITERACY AND NUMERACY SKILLS OF LEARNERS IN BICOL088 DM. NO. 088, S.2023 ORIENTATION ON STEP-UP PEDAGOGY AND UTILIZATION OF STEP-UP MATERIALS089 DM. NO. 089, S.2023 DIVISION MATH FAIR090 DM. NO. 090 S.2023 ESTABLISHMENT AND COMPOSITION OF THE DIVISION REVIEW AND EVALUATION COMMITTEE (DREC) IN COMPLIANCE TO DEPED ORDER NO. 40, S.2014 AND DEPED ORDER NO. 51, S.2015091 DM. NO. 091, S. 2023- POLICY GUIDELINES ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF STRENGTHENED TEACHING-LEARNING IN EMBEDDED PROGRAM TO UPGRADE PROFICIENCY (STEP-UP)092 DM. NO. 092, S. 2023- 3 DAY ORIENTATION-WORKSHOP ON CRAFTING OF JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL (JHS0 ASSESSMENT PACKAGE AND WORK SAMPLE GUIDE FOR ALTERNATIVE LEARNING SYSTEM093 DM. NO. 093, S.2023 AVAILABLE CONTEXTUALIZED LMs FOR DOWNLOADING AND UTILIZATION001 Division Training Workshop on the Conversion of Smile Learners Packets in English to Digital Audio Files002 STAR Achievers for 2021003 Reconstitution of Schools Division Research Committee and Reiteration of Roles and Responsibilities004 WINS Monitoring Program For SY 2021-2022005 Reiteration of the Required Health Standards, Vaccination, and on-site work Requirements006 2-Day Live-Out Training Workshop on the Basic Statistical Tools in Conducting Research007 Contextualize Division Research Management Guidelines008 Submission of pertinent Documents for Reclassification Through Equivalent Records Form (ERF) of Teaching and Teaching Related Positions009 Alternative Work Arrangements During the Period of State of Public Health Emergency Due to COVID-19 Omicron Variant Surge in the City of Masbate010 Composition of the Division Review and Evaluation Committee011 Submission of statement of Assets, Liabilities, and Networth (SALN) FOR Calendar year 2021012 Conduct of Mid-Year School-Based In-Service Training (INSET) for Teachers SY 2021-2022013 2022 SEARCH FOR OUTSTANDING GOVERNMENT WORKERS014 RESBAKUNA KIDS ORIENTATION ON PEDIATRIC VACCINATION FOR CHILDREN AGED 5-11.pdf015 TOBACCO GRAPHIC HEALTH WARNING ASSESSMENT016 DEVELOPMENT, QUALITY ASSURANCE AND FINALIZATION OF UNA (UNFOLDED NON-TRADITIONAL ACTIVITIES) MATERIALS IN KINDER TO GRADE 3 USING THE DESIGN THINKING PROCESS (BATCH 1)017 Composition of SDO Masbate City Provident Fund Secretariat018 Reconstituted Members of the Program on Awards and Incentives for Service Excellence (PRAISE ) Committee019 DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 019 S2022 AUTOMATIC FIVE DAY QUARANTINE OF PARTICIPANTS AFTER TAKING PART IN FACE TO FACE ACTIVITIES CONDUCTED BY THE REGIONAL OFFICE020 DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 020, S.2022 RECONSTITUTION ON THE INSPECTORATE TEAMS OF THE SCHOOLS DIVISION OF MASBATE CITY AND PUBLIC ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS FOR DEPED-PROCURED GOODS PER DEPED ORDER NO. 27, S.2020 FOR021 IMPLEMENTATION OF TWICE-A-MONTH RELEASE OF SALARY TO DEPED PERSONNEL022 DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 022, S.2022 APPLICABLE ALTERNATIVE WORKING ARRANGEMENT DURING THE PERIOD OF STATE OF HEALTH EMERGENCY DUE TO COVID-19 OMICRON VARIANT IN THE CITY OF MASBATE023 Call for Action Research Proposals to be applied to the cy 2023 Basic Education Research Fund024 RECONSTITUTING THE BIDS AND AWARDS COMMITTEE (BAC) OF DEPED SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICE OF MASBATE CITY, ITS SECRETARIAT, TECHNICAL WORKING GROUP (TWG), INSPECTORATE AND CANVASSERS FOR GOODS, INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS, AND CONSULTING SERVICES.025 TIMELINE FOR SMEA, DMEA AND RMEA026 ESTABLISHMENT OF THE 2022 DIVISION ELECTION TASK FORCE AND ITS MONITORING CENTER FOR THE MAY 9, 2022 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS027 CREATION OF DIVISION ANTI-CORRUPTION COMMITTEE IN SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICE OF MASBATE CITY028 PROVISION OF TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE OF DIVISION COMPOSITE TEAM TO SCHOOLS IMPLEMENTING LIMITED FACE TO FACE CLASSES029 International Adolescent Health Week 2022030 CONDUCT OF THE EARLY REGISTRATION FOR SY 2022-2023031 HOLDING IN ABEYANCE THE IMPLEMENTATION OF PROGRESSIVE EXPANSION OF LIMITED FACE TO FACE CLASSES032 OPENING OF CLASSES UNDER THE PROGRESSIVE EXPANSION PHASE OF LIMITED FACE TO FACE LEARNING MODALITY033 Work Arrangement in the SDO Masbate City During the Imposition of Alert Level 1 System for COVID 19 Responce034 Addendum to Division Memorandum No. 23, S. 2022 Re Call for Action Research Proposals to be Applied for CY 2023 Basic Education Research Fund (BERF)034b 1st Regular Management Committee Meeting035 REITERATION OF THE DEPED ELECTRICITY AND FUEL SAVING MEASURES036 Amendments to Division Memorandum No. 17, S. 2022037 DIVISION PREPARATION FOR THE REGIONAL LIVE-OUT TRAINING IN OFFICIATING IN SELECTED SPORTS EVENTS038 Addendum to Division Memorandum No. 007, S. 2022 Re Contextualized Division Research Management Guidelines039 Division Pilot Orientation and Utilization of Monitoring and Evaluation Tools in Blended Learning040 Division Launching of Project SHARP(School-Home Arithmetic and Reading Partnership041 Adoption of the Modified Form of Special Order for Vacation Service Credits042 GRANT OF SERVICE CREDITS AND COMPENSATORY OVERTIME CREDITS DURING THE 2022 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS043 SCHEDULE OF SY 2021-2022 GRADUATION AND COMPLETION RITES044 SEARCH FOR AMBASSADOR ANTONIO L. CABANGON-CHUA GINTONG PARANGAL PARA SA EDUKASYON AWARDEES045 RPMS PERFORMANCE REVIEW AND EVALUATION FOR SCHOOL HEADS AND SCHOOL-BASED PERSONNEL FOR SY2021-2022046 Addendum to Division Memorandum No. 25, S. 2022 RE: Timeline for SMEA, DMEA, and RMEA047 Customized Policy on Learning and Development (L&D) of Schools Division Office (SDO) of Masbate City048 DIVISION POLICY IN THE CONDUCT OF INNOVATION PROJECT049 DIVISION ORIENTATION ON THE CUSTOMIZED POLICY ON LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT (L&D) OF THE SDO OF MASBATE CITY050 SCHOOL CALENDAR AND ACTIVITIES FOR SY 2022-2023051 DM. NO. 51, S. 2022- DIVISION POLICY GUIDELINES IN THE CONDUCT OF INCOME GENERATING PROJECT (IGP)052 PHYSICAL INVENTORY PLAN (PIP) FOR SEMI-EXPANDABLE EQUIPMENT AND PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT (PPE) 053 SELECTION AND RECRUITMENT OF TEACHER I FOR PUBLIC ELEMENTARY (KINDERGARTEN AND SPED) AND SECONDARY (JHS) SCHOOLS FOR SY2022-2023054 PARTICIPANTS TO THE NATIONAL ROLLOUT OF THE "BE INTERNET AWESOME" PROGRAM PHASE II055 DM NO. 55, S. 2022- COMPOSITION OF SDO MASBATE CITY PROVIDENT FUND BOARD OF TRUSTEES056 DM. NO. 056, S.2022: CREATION OF THE 2022 OPLAN BALIK ESKWELA PUBLIC ASSISTANCE COMMAND CENTER (OBE-PACC)057 DM. No. 57, S. 2022- CUSTOMIZED POLICY GUIDELINES ON REWARD AND RECOGNITION OF THE SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICE (SDO) OF MASBATE CITY058 DM. No. 58, S.2022 ALTERNATIVE WORK ARRANGEMENT AND DAILY LOG059 DM. NO. 059, S. 2022-ADDENDUM TO DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 007, S022 RE CONTEXTUALIZED DIVISION RESEARCH MANAGEMENT GUIDELINES060 DM. NO. 060, S.2022 ADDENDUM TO DIV. MEMO NO. 25,S.2022 RE TIMELINE FOR SMEA, DMEA, AND RMEA061 DM. NO. 061, S.2022 CORRIGENDUM TO DIV. MEMO NO. 47, S.2022 RE CUSTOMIZED POLICY ON LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT (L&D) OF THE SDO MASBATE CITY062 DM. NO. 062, S.2022 UTILIZATION OF THE LATEST VERSION OF DEPED MASBATE CITY HYMN DURING FLAG RAISING CEREMONY AND OTHER OFFICIAL GATHERING 063 DM. NO. 063, S.2022 2022 SEARCH FOR STAR (STAFF, TEACHERS, ADMINISTRATORS RECOGNITION) AWARDEES- TEACHERS CATEGORY064 DM. NO. 064, S.2022 2022 NATIONAL TEACHERS DAY WORLD TEACHERS DAY CELEBRATION065 DM. NO. 065, S. 2022- CCB_ ISANG DEKADA NG PAGLILINGKOD VIRTUAL SUMMIT066 DM. NO. 066, S.2022 WEARING OF THE PRESCRIBED DEPED UNIFORM AND OFFICE ATTIRE067 DM. No. 067, S. 2022- DESIGNATION OF NEW SET OF REGIONAL AUTOMATIC PAYROLL DEDUCTION SYSTEM (APDS) TASK FORCE068 DM. NO. 068, S.2022 NESTLE WELLNESS CAMPUS PROGRAM (NWCP) SY2022-2023 TIMELINE FOR DIVISION AND REGIONAL COMPETITION069 DM. NO. 069, S.2022 STAFF TEACHERS ADMINISTRATORS RECOGNITION (STAR) AWARDEES TEACHERS CATEGORY070 DM. NO. 070, S.2022 DIRECTIVES ON THE SETTLEMENT OF PHILHEALTH ARREARS OF DEPED PERSONNEL NATIONWIDE FROM JANUARY TO MAY 2022071 DM. NO. 071, S.2022 OMNIBUS TRAVEL GUIDELINES FOR ALL PERSONNEL OF THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION072 DM. NO. 072, S.2022 PANSANGAY NA PAGSASANAY AT WORKSYAP SA PAGTUTURO NG PANIMULANG PAGBASA SA MGA GURO NG K-3 AT JHS073 DM. NO. 073, S.2022 DIVISION VALIDATION FOR THE SEARCH FOR BRIGADA ESKWELA BEST IMPLEMENTERS AND BRIGADA PAGBASA ADVOCACY AWARD 2022074 DM. NO. 074, S.2022 DIVISION TRAINING ON FILIPINO SIGN LANGUAGE (FSL)075 DM. NO. 075 S. 2022 CONDUCT OF PROJECT GEMS (GREAT EDUCATORS MOLDED FOR SCHOLARSHIPS) PHASE 1 (SELF-ASSESSMENT)076 DM. NO. 076, S.2022 ORIENTATION ON PROJECT LYRIC, BILANG, MMKaBUDDY AND STORYA KO, ISURAT MO077 DM. NO. 077, S.2022 RE-ORIENTATION ON SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN (SIP) AND PREPARATION OF FY 2023 ANNUAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN AND WORK FINANCIAL PLAN078 DM. NO. 078, S.2022 2023 METROBANK FOUNDATION OUTSTANDING FILIPINOS-AWARD FOR TEACHERS079 DM. NO. 079, S.2022 CY2022 QUARTER 4 DIVISION MONITORING & ADJUSTMENT (DMEA) PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION REVIEW AND PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT (PIRPA)001 Amendment to Division Memo # 20, s. 2020 (Reconstituting the Division HRMPSB of the SDO Masbate City002 Virtual Orientation of TLE/TVL Key Teachers on Learning Activity Sheets (LAS) Preparation003 Registry of Qualified Applicants (RQA) For Kindergarten, Elementary and Junior High School for SY 2020-2021004 Local Broadcast Guidelines and Functions of Teacher-Broadcasters for RBI/TVBI005 Submission of Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Networth (SALN) for Calendar Year 2020006 Corrigendum to Division Memorandum No. 003 s 2021 (Registry of Qualified Applicants (RQA) For Kindergarten, Elementary, Secondary and Junior High School for SY 2020-2021007 Division Online Training on Literacy Instruction008 Designation of Fatima D. Buen as OIC-Schools Division Superintendent009 Division Webinar- Workshop on the Illustration of Contextualized MTB Stories Dubbed as "ISTORYA MO, SURAT MO 2.0010 Updated Guidelines on Alternative Work Arrangement During the Period of State of Public Health Emergency Due to Covid-19 Pandemic011 Division Science and Technology Fair for SY 2020-2021012 DM No. 12 s. 2021- Updating Office, Protocols, Procedures and Guidelines013 Kabataan at Kasarinlan: The Philippine Independence Day Youth Campaign014 Search for Heritage Trees in Public Schools015 Back to School: Let a Million Flowers Bloom Project016 Kabataan at Kasarinlan Youth Forum017 Corrigendum to OUA-Memo 00-521-0133 Re: Search for Heritage Trees in Public Schools018 Reiteration of Compliance to DepEd Manual of Style (DO No. 30 S. 2019 and DepEd Service Marks and Visual Service Marks and Visual Identity Manual DO No. 31 s, 2019)019 United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG) World Congress 2021020 Promotion of the E-Talk Titled "Usaping Bakuna, Usaping Pampamilya"021 Reconstitution of Prime-HRM Task Force022 Capacity Building for SPED Parents Cum Project Giya Online Launching023 Launching of Project INSPIRE Cum Capacity Building for Science Teachers024 Virtual Division Management Committee Meeting025 Updating of 201 File of All Teaching and Non- Teaching Personnel026 Pansangay Na Pagdiriwang ng Buwan ng Wika 2021027 Reconstitution of Division Performance Management Team and Reiteration of the Performance Management System028 Division Performance review and Evaluation for School Heads and School-Based Personnel029 Division Online Training on Design Thinking in Kinder-Grade I Science and Mathematics Teaching030 2nd Virtual Division Management Committee Meeting031 Reiteration of the Merit Selection Plan of the Department of Education032 Creation of Lapay Multimedia Team033 Search for Project Star Awardees034 Survey on Values Best Practiced by the Learners and their Parents in Utilizing Self-Learning Modules (SLMs)035 2021 National Teachers' Month and World Teachers' Day Celebration Celebrating Teachers' Heroism Amidst Pandemic036 Project Star Awardees For SY 2020-2021037 Composition of the SDO Safety and Health Committee038 Strengthening Target Setting or Performance Planning and Commitment of School-Based Personnel in the Context of Results-Based Performance Management System039 Division Online Training On Design Thinking in Grades 2-3 Science and Mathematics Teaching040 DM NO. 040 S. 2021-Division Training on the Development and Validation of Smile Learner's Packet in TLE-TVL for the 3rd and 4th Quarters of SY 2021-2022041 DM. No. 41 s. 2021-Customized Policies and Guidelines on the Implementation of the Results-Based Performance Management (RPMS) in the City Division of Masbate City042 DM.NO. 042, S. 2021- RECRUITMENT, SELECTION AND PLACEMENT (RSP) POLICY OF THE SDO MASBATE CITY042b DM. NO. 42B, S. 2021- WRITESHOP ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF SMILE LEARNERS' PACKET FOR LEARNERS WITH DISABILITIES043 Re: Orientation on School Improvement Plan (SIP) and Preparation of FY 2022 Annual Improvement Plan and Work Financial Plan044 DM. No. 44, S. 2021-Division Orientation on School Dental Health Care Program and Wins Implementation045 Social Awareness Program: An Information Drive on the Deceptive Recruitment of the Communist Terrorist Group and Anti-Terrorism law046 Invitation to the First Annual Privacy Advocates Summit on November 25, 2021 Via Facebook Live047 Invitation to the Third National Summit on the Rights of the Child in Education on November 25-26 VIA ZOOM and Request for a Brief Written Message for the Souvenir Program and Recorded Recitation of the Panatang MAKABATA048 ADVOCACY CAMPAIGN FOR VACCINATION OF LEARNERS AGED 12 TO 17049 ORIENTATION ON REVISED GUIDELINES ON CONTEXTUALIZED SCHOOL-BASED MANAGEMENT ASSESSMENT, PROCESS AND TOOL (SBM-APAT)050 DM. No 50 S. 2021- YEAR-END PERFORMANCE REVIEW AND EVALUATION FOR THE NON-SCHOOL BASED PERSONNEL FOR CY2021 AND RECALIBRATION AND REALIGNMENT OF OPCRF FOR SCHOOL-BASED PERSONNEL SY2021-2022051 DM. No. 51 S. 2021- Division Roll-Out Training on Sports, Skills in Arnis, Basketball, Badminton, Dancesports and Futsal052 DM. No. 52 S.- Division Training-Workshop on Multimedia Production for Television and Video-Based Instruction (Batch 1)053 DM. No.53. S. 2021- Padayon: The Youth Formation Division Service Recognition and Partnership Summit 2021054 DM. No. 054 S. 2021-Preparation for Severe Tropical Storm Odette.055 DM. No. 55 S. 2021-3-DAy Live-Out Training-Workshop on the Division Research Management Guidelines and Basic Principles in Conducting Research056 DM. No. 56. S. 2021-IATF Vaccination Requirement for Personnel Reporting On-Site Beginning 01 December 2021.057 DM. No. 57. S. 2021- Preparation for Severe Tropical Storm Odette058 DM. No 58, S. 2021- Selection and Recruitment of Senior High School Teaching Positions for SY 2021-2022059 DM. No 59. s. 2021-Addendum to the Memorandum on the Child Protection Unit (CPU) Contests for the National Children's Month.060 DM No 60, S. 2021- Opening of Office Transactions Through Office Windows.001 Submission of Credentials of Athletes, Coaches and Chaperons002 Early Registration in All Public Schools for School Year 2020-2021003 Simultaneous Launching of the Division and School Reading Programs/ Projects004 Workshop on Updating the Division Contextualized Curriculum Matrix (DCCM) and Division Local Heritage Matrix (DLHM)005 Corrigendum and Addendum to Division Memorandum No. 002 s. 2020 (Early Registration in All Public Schools for School Year 2020-2021)006 Metrobank-MTAP- DepEd Math Challenge Division Team Finals007 Training of Athletes for the Palarong Bicol 2020008 Corrigendum to Division Memorandum No. 07, s. 2020 (Training of Athletes for the Palarong Bicol 2020)009 Addendum to Division Memorandum No. 07, s. 2020 (Training of Athletes for the Palarong Bicol 2020)010 Submission of Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Networth (SALN) for Calendar Year 2019011 Administration of the Bureau of Education Assessment (BEA) National Assessments012 Evaluation of Requirements for the Conduct of Remedial and Advancement Classes During 2020 Summer013 Addendum to Division Memorandum No. 011 s. 2020 (Administration of the Bureau of Education Assessment (BEA) National Assessment)014 2020 Oplan Balik Eskwela (OBE)015 Development of Learning Resource Materials (LRMs) in All Kindergarten and Learning Areas016 Creation of Division and School Learning Continuity Plan Operationalization Special Committees017 Amendments to Division Memorandum No. 16 s. 2020 (Creation of Division and School Learning Continuity Plan Operationalization Special Committees)018 Addendum to Division Memorandum No. 15, s. 2020 (Development of Learning Resource Materials in Kindergarten and All Learning Areas)019 Contextualization of the Regionally Developed Self-Learning Modules in Mathematics (Grades 1-3) and Science (Grade 3)020 Reconstituting the Division Human Resource Merit Promotion and Selection Board (DHRMPSB) of the Schools Division Office of Masbate City021 FURTHER ADDENDUM TO DM #15, s. 2020022 Adoption of DHRMPSBReso #1, s. 2020023 Division Online Training in Reading for Elementary Teachers024 Reconstitution of the Inspectorate Teams of the Schools Division Office of Masbate City and Public Elementary and Secondary Schools for DepED-Procured Goods per DepED Order No.27 s. 2020001 2019 Metrobank- MTAP- DEPED Math Challenge, Division Elimination Round002 Basic Education Enrollment Polict by D.O. 3, s. 2018- Data and Information Needed by the SDO003 2019 Early Registration Preparation004 Science on the Move (SOM) Exhibits005 Athletic Fund Resource Pooling and Prorated School Share for the Concentrated Training of Athletes and Coaches006 Add-on designations/ assignments for programs, projects and activities of the Division007 Reiteration of the Conduct of Student- Led School Watching and Hazard Mapping pursuant to DepEd Order No. 23, s. 2015008 Orientation and Enhancement Workshop of School Heads and Brigada Eskwela School Coordinators009 Reiteration on Policy on Dissemination of Memorandum/ Official Communication to the Field011 Preparation for the Variety Show and Selling of tickets012 Training of Athletes for the Palarong Bicol 2019014 Corrigendum to Division Memorandum No. 012, s. 2019 (Training of Athletes for the Palarong Bicol 2019)015 2019 Metrobank-MTAP- DepEd Math Challenge Division Team Finals016 Regional Assembly of Education Leaders (RAEL)017 Career Service Examination 2019 (Supervising Examiners, Room Examiners and Proctors)018 Postponement of the Synchronized Supreme- Pupil Government/ Supreme- Student Government Election019 2nd Division Management Committee Meeting020 Composition of the Human Resource Merit Promotion and Selection Board (HRMPSB)021 Selection and Recruitment of Teacher I for Public Elementary and Secondary Schools for School Year 2019-2020022 2019 Palarong Bikol023 Submission of Statement of Assets and Liabilities Net Worth (SALN) CY 2018024 3rd Division Management Committee Meeting025 Orientation on the Use of DepEd Partnerships Database System (DPDS)026 Meeting of all Brigada Eskwela Coordinators027 Composition of Division Performance Management Team (PMT)028 2019 DepEd Bicol Synchronized Zumba Run and Tree Planting029 Schedule of Graduation/ Completion Exercises for SY 2018-2019030 Request for Participants for the Youth MUST (Youth Movements United for Sustainable Tourism) Masbate Summit031 Training on Life Skills Implementation in the ALS Curriculum032 Two-Day Division Orientation Workshop on Contextualized School- Based Management (SBM) Assessment, Processes and Tool (APAT)033 Convening of Division Selection Committee034 Division Workshop on the Development of the Division Contextualized Curriculum Matrix (DCCM) in All Learning Areas by Grade Level035 2019 Brigada Eskwela Implementation036 Three-day Live-in Seminar on Re-crafting of School Improvement Plan (SIP) for SY 2019- 2022037 2019 Oplan Balik Eskwela038 Composition of the Division Bids and Awards Committee039 Federated Supreme Student and Supreme Pupil Government Elections040 Additional Provisions to City Division Memorandum no. 032 s. 2019 (Two- Day Division Orientation Workshop on Contextualized School- Based Management (SBM) Assessment Processes and Tool (APAT)041 4th Division Management Committee (MANCOM) Meeting042 Submission of Child Protection or Anti-Bullying Policies Formulated in Accordance with RA 10627 and its IRR and Reports and Statistics on Acts of Bullying that happened in School043 2019 Research Training Conference Workshop044 Awareness on Posting of Personal Information045 DCP Orientation and Literacy046 Notice of Date of Assessment047 Orientation Workshop on Data Management and Information Requirements for School Year 2019- 2020048 Conduct of Assessment for Teacher II and Teacher III (Elementary and Secondary)049 Submission of Monthly Report of Attendance and Daily Time Record (DTR)050 Reiteration on Wearing of Prescribed Uniform for Teaching and Non- Teaching Personnel051 National Employees Union (NEU) ELECTION 2019052 New Composition of the Program on Awards and Incentives for Service Excellence (PRAISE) Committee053 Schedule and Guidelines on the Conduct of the District Meet054 Division Live-Out Seminar-Training on Coaching in Selected Sports055 City Division Schools Press Conference (Elementary and Secondary)056 Schools Online Registration for the 2020 Metrobank- MTAP-DepEd Math Challenge057 Three-day Live-out Division Monitoring and Evaluation Training for Public Secondary and Elementary School Heads and School Planning Coordinators058 National Teachers' Month 2019 Kick-Off Ceremony059 Corrigendum and Addendum to Division Memorandum No. 58, s. 2019 Re: National Teachers' Month 2019 Kick-Off Ceremony060 Regional Orientation of the Newly Hired Teachers on the Teacher Induction Program061 Division Mathematics Showcase062 Search for Outstanding Kindergarten, Secondary Teachers, School Heads, PSDS and Non- Teaching Personnel063 5th Division Management Committee Meeting064 World Teachers' Day Cum Appreciation Night065 Postponement of the Search for Outstanding Kindergarten, Secondary Teachers, School Heads, PSDS, Non-Teaching Personnel066 World Teachers' Day Search for Outstanding Kindergarten, Secondary Teachers, School Heads, PSDS, Non-Teaching Personnel067 Red Cross Raffle Fund Drive068 Annual Nationwide Search For Young Arts Scholars (ANYAS)069 Dissemination of Non-Sharing of DEPED Email and Password070 Division Orientation on Screening and Accreditation of Athletes, Coaches and Chaperons071 Conduct of 2019 Division DepEd Computerization Program (DCP) Monitoring for All Public Elementary and Secondary Recipient Schools072 2019 Division Sining Tanghalan Competition073 CITY MEET 2019074 12th Division Youth for Environment in Schools (YES) Camp075 Observance of the 2019 Filipino Values Month (FVM)076 2019 National Children Month Celebration077 Division Edukasyon sa Pagpakatao Festival078 Administration of the Philippine Education Placement Test (PEPT)079 Call for Basic Research Paper Proposal For SY 2020001 Recruitment, Evaluation and Selection of Teacher Applicants for School Year 2018- 2019002 Training of Athletes for the Palarong Bicol 2018003 List of Share in re: 2018 Palarong Bicol004 Notice of Vacancy005 Official List of Delegation Officials and Officiating Officials for the Palarong Bicol 2018006 First Regular Division Management Committee Meeting007 2018 Metrobank- MTAP- DepEd Math Challenge Division Team Finals008 Corrigendum to Division Memorandum No. 006, s. 2018 Re: First Regular Division Management Committee Meeting009 Rodeo Masbateño Festival010 Division Roll-out of the DRRM Modules for School DRRM Coordinators/ Contingency Planning011 Revenue Memorandum Circular No. 1-2003012 Division Orientation- Workshop on the National Drug Education Program (NDEP)013 Meeting014 Schedule of Graduation/ Completion Exercises015 Designation of New OIC- SDS and OIC- ASDS017 Submission of MOA/ MOU018 Division Training on Special Education Program019 Division Roll- Out and Training of Grade One Teachers on Multi- Factored Assessment Tool020 Division Training of Receiving Teachers for Special Education (SPED) Program021 Participation of 4P's Beneficiaries on the Conduct of the 2018 Brigada Eskwela022 First Regular Division Management Committee (ManCom) Meeting023 Lectures and Workshops024 In the matter of Area of Supervision and dissolving and renaming of Clusters into Districts025 Organizing and designating the members of the Division Selection Committee for the hiring of the remaining Teacher I Positions for School Year 2018- 2019026 Independence Day Celebration027 Corregendum to District Assignment028 Administration of the National Achievement test for Grade 12 for SY 2017- 2018 to Non- Sampled Schools029 List of Personnel with unclaimed EMV-Enabled Chip ATM Cards, as provided by the Land Bank of the Philippines030 Pagdayao Festival- Educators' Night031 2-Day Division Leadership Training for SSG and SPG Advisers032 Division Poster Making and Essay Contests033 Adoption of Basic Education Research Agenda (BERA) D. O. 39, s. 2016 by all Teachers and Non- Teaching Personnel in the City Division034 Call for Papers for the Conduct of the First Masbate City Division Research Conference035 Search for Brigada Eskwela Best Implementing Schools (Division Level) and the Composition of the Division Brigada Eskwela Selection Committee036 Use of Biometric Time Clock System in Monitoring Attendance of Employees in School037 In matter of School Reports Submission038 Creation of New School and Division Club/ Organization039 Result of the 2018 Brigada Eskwela Best Implementing Schools- Division Level040 Second Regular Division Management Committee Meeting041 Division Training- Workshop on Contingency Planning for School DRRM Coordinators042 3rd Quarter Earthquake Drill043 Philippine Education Placement Test (PEPT) Registration044 2018 Brigada Eskwela Division Search for Best Implementing Schools045 2018 Division Padurunungan Festival046 Conference of ESP Coordinators047 Division Roll- Out of Results-based Performance Management System (RPMS) Manual for Teachers and School Heads048 Conduct of 2018 Division DepEd Computerization Program (DCP) Monitoring for All Public Elementary and Secondary Recipient Schools049 Orientation on the Principals' Test Online Application050 Division Monitoring, Evaluation and Adjustment Data Gathering051 2018 World Teachers' Day Celebration052 Addendum to the Division Memorandum No. 051 s. 2018 re: 2018 World Teachers Day Celebration (Featuring: 1st Division Lapay Fashion Runway Competition)053 Results of the 2018 Division Padurunungan Festival Mathematics Competition (Elementary Level)053B Results of the 2018 Division Padurunungan Festival Mathematics Competition (Secondary Level)054 Division Science Fair and Olympics055 Notice of Vacancy and Assessment056 2018 National Reading Month057 Division Sining Tanghalan Festival058 City Meet 2018059 Screening of Credentials of the Athletes, Coaches and Chaperons060 Online Registration of Participating Schools for the 2019 Metrobank- MTAP- DepEd Math Challenge061 Conduct of Action Research Studies062 Orientation of the SDO- SGOD- P&R Section Policies on Report Submission063 Observance of Filipino Values Month (FVM)064 11th Division Youth for Environment in Schools (YES) Camp065 Screening and Submission of Credentials of the Athletes, Coaches and Chaperons066 In Matter of the 26th National Children's Month Celebration067 5th Regular Division Management Committee Meeting001 MANNER OF SUBMISSION OF SCHOOL/ DISTRICTS AND OTHER REPORTS TO CONCERNED C.I.D. AND S.G.O.D. PERSONNEL002 SUBMISSION OF PREFERRED SCHEDULE OF 5 DAYS FORCED/ MANDATORY LEAVE FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR 2017003 TRAINING OF ATHLETES FOR THE PALARONG BICOL 2017004 NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT (Education Program Supervisor for Mathematics)005 NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT (Administrative Officer V)006 SCREENING, SELECTION AND TRAINING WORKSHOP OF POTENTIAL LEARNING RESOURCE EVALUATORS007 2017 METROBANK- MTAP- DEPED MATH CHALLENGE (ELIMINATION ROUND)008 SUBMISSION OF CATCH-UP PLAN009 MASBATE CITY ATHLETIC DELEGATION TO PALARONG BICOL 2017010 EARLY REGISTRATION FOR KINDERGARTEN TO GRADE 10 FOR SCHOOL YEAR (SY) 2017-2018011 ADDENDUM TO DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 009, S. 2017012 SELECTION AND RECRUITMENT OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHING POSITIONS FOR SY 2017- 2018013 ADDENDUM TO DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 009, S. 2017014 DIVISION RE- ORIENTATION WORKSHOP ON THE NATIONAL DRUG EDUCATION PROGRAM (NDEP)015 FILING AND SUBMISSION OF STATEMENT OF ASSETS, LIABILITIES AND NETWORTH (SALN) FOR THE YEAR 2016016 2017 METROBANK-MTAP- DEPED MATH CHALLENGE017 THE CITY DIVISION'S GUIDELINES IN THE DISPLAY OF TARPAULINS, STREAMERS, POSTERS AND SIMILAR MATERIALS IN THE SCHOOLS WITHIN THE CITY DIVISION OF MASBATE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ORDINANCE NO. 151-13018 FIRST REGULAR DIVISION MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING019 NOTICE OF VACANCY020 COMPOSITION OF DIVISION SELECTION COMMITTEE AND SCHEDULE/ TIMELINES IN THE EVALUATION AND SELECTION OF PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHER APPLICANTS FOR SY 2017- 2018021 4-DAY LIVE-IN ENHANCEMENT TRAINING FOR ALTERNATIVE LEARNING SYSTEM IMPLEMENTERS022 DIVISION RE- ORIENTATION WORKSHOP ON ADOPT-A-SCHOOL PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION ON THE REVISED BRIGADA ESKWELA GUIDELINES AND THE ROLES AND FUNCTIONS OF SCHOOL ASP/BE COORDINATORS IN MANAGING GOVERNMENT RESOURCES023 SCHEDULE OF GRADUATION/ COMPLETION EXERCISES FOR SY 2016- 2017024 SUBMISSION OF SCHOOL USER ACCOUNT CREATION FORMS (UACF) FOR THE CREATION OF SCHOOL PERSONNEL USER ACCOUNTS IN EHRIS V2025 LEARNING RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION IN THE RATIONALIZED DEPED STRUCTURE026 MASS TRAINING FOR GRADE 6 TEACHERS ON THE K TO 12 BASIC EDUCATION PROGRAM027 BRIGADA ESKWELA 2017 CARAVAN AND KICK-OFF CEREMONY028 DIVISION SELECTION AND VALIDATION COMMITTEE FOR THE 2017 BRIGADA ESKWELA BEST IMPLEMENTING SCHOOLS29 SECOND REGULAR DIVISION MANCOM MEETING30 ORIENTATION CONFERENCE ON RESEARCH MANAGEMENT GUIDELINES FOR BASIC EDUCATION RESEARCH FUND (BERF)30b ONE-MONTH BARANGAY ALS ADVOCACY31 CLUSTER ASSIGNMENTS32 ORIENTATION ON THE STANDARDIZED ADMINISTRATION OF THE NATIONAL ACHIEVEMENT TEST (ELLNA- G4 LEARNERS, NAT G7 & G10 EARNERS)33 Independence Day Celebration34 Composition of the Division Bids and Awards Committee (Division BAC)35 Mobile Numbers of Different School Coordinators36 Corrigendum of the Training Design and Submission for Review and Approval37 Division Validation and Assessment of School Readiness for DepEd Computerization Program (DCP) Implementation38 Notice of Vacancy39 Third Regular Division Management Committee Meeting40 Notice of Vacancy41 Division Training for the Developmentally- Appropriate Practices (DAP) in the Early Language, Literacy and Numeracy Program (ELLNP)42 Duly Authorized Signatories in CS Form 6 (Application for Leave)43 Duly Authorized Signatories in CS Form 48 (Application for Leave)44 3-Day Division Writeshop on Action Research Writing45 Orientation and Workshop on School- Based Feeding Program (SBFP) for SY 2017- 201846 Division Padurungan Festival47 Search for Outstanding Teachers and School Heads48 World Teachers' Month Celebration49 Project S.T.A.N.D.50 City Division Schools Press Conference51 National Teachers' Day Celebration52 Utilization of Learning Resource Management and Development System (LRMDS) Portal and School's Provision of Hard Copy of Curriculum Guide (CG), Teacher's Guide (TG) and Learner's Materials (LMs)53 Conduct of the 2017 City Division Sports Meet viz a viz Division "Patarahuman Festival"53-b Division Patarahuman Festival54 Fourth Regular Division Management Committee Meeting55 Division Patarahuman Festival in TLE (Division Technolympics)56 List of Watchers/ Proctors for the Conduct of 2017 Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET)57 "Dugong Guro, Dugong Bayani, Alay Ko Buhay Mo" Blood Letting Activity58 Updating of Taxpayers Personal Exemptions59 National and Regional ICT Summit60 Poster Making, Slogan Making and Essay Writing Contests61 2017 Division Filipino Values Month Celebration62 Conduct of Assessment for Teacher II, Teacher III, Master Teacher I and Master Teacher II SY 2017- 201863 Economic and Financial Literacy Week Celebration64 Employees' Induction Program64-B Employees' Induction Program65 10th Division Youth for Environment in the Schools (YES) Camp67 Conduct of 2016 Performance- Based Bonus Orientation and Validation of School Personnel66 Division Performance Review and Evaluation Committee68 Corrigendum to Division Memorandum No. 066, s. 2017, Re: Division Performance Review and Evaluation Committee69 Fifth Regular Division Management Committee Meeting70 Division Roll- Out of Financial Management Operation Manual (FMOM) to Elementary and Secondary Non- Implementing Units and Schools Division Office (SDO) Financial Staff71 Unity Run for Brigada Eskwela sa Marawi72 2018 METROBANK- MTAP- DEPED Math Challenge1 DM 1, s. 2016- Training of Athletes for the Palarong Bicol 20152 DM 2, s. 2016- Submission of Schedule of 5 Days Forced Leave for Year 2016 and Accrual and Use of COC3 DM 3, s. 2016 - 4th Regional Bicol Research Conference4 DM 4, s. 2016- Designation of Maria Flora T. Pandes as OIC- Assistant Schools Division Superintendent5 DM 5, s. 2016- Division- Wide Training on the Early Language, Literacy and Numeracy Program6 DM 6, s. 2016- 2016 METROBANK- MTAP- DEPED Math Challenge7 DM 7, s. 2016- List of Coaches, Athletes and Trainors8 DM 8, s. 2016- First Regular Division Management Committee9 DM 9, s. 2016- Selection and Recruitment of Teacher I for Public Elementary and Secondary Schools for School Year 2016-201710 DM 10, s. 2016- Orientation of Delegation, Athletic and Officiating Officials for the Palarong Bikol 201611 DM 11, s. 2016- Selection and Recruitment of Senior High School Teaching Positions for SY 2016- 201712 DM 12, s. 2016- Dissemination of Training Calendar 201613 DM 13, s. 2016- Schedule of Board of Election Inspectors (BEI) Training14 DM 14, s. 2016- Corrigendum to Division Memorandum 009, s. 2016 re: Selection and Recruitment of Teacher I for Public Elementary and Secondary Schools for School Year 2016- 201715 Filing and Submission of Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Networth (SALN) for the year 201516 Schedule of Graduation/ Completion Exercises for SY 2015- 201617 Submission of Year- End Reports18 Guidelines on the Management and Usage ICTs in the Division19 Attendance to Palarong Pambansa Activities20 Notice of Assessment (PSDS, EPS, Head Teacher (Elementary) and Other Vacant Positions under the Office of the Schools Division Superintendent21 Notice of Assessment (Allocation of Teaching- Related and Non Teaching Positions for Senior High School SY 2016-2017)22 Second Division Management Committee Meeting23 Corregendum to Division Memorandum No. 21, s. 2016 "Notice of Assessment for Teaching- Related and Non Teaching Positions for Senior High School SY 2016- 2017"24 Teacher Applicants for Transfer (SY 2016- 2017) Public Elementary and Junior High School25 Orientation on the Standardized Administration of the National Achievement Test (LAPG- G4 Learners, NAT G6- G7 Learners, NAT G10- G11 Learners)26 Reorientation Seminar Workshop on Action Research Writing27 Implementation of the DCP and Other ICT Equipment28 Pre-retirement Seminar 201629 Conduct of Assessment for Teacher II and III Positions for SY 2016- 201730 Selection and Recruitment for the Remaining Senior High School Teaching Positions SY 2016- 201731 GAD Division Training of Trainers32 Selection and Recruitment Schedule/ Timeline for the Remaining SHS Teaching Positions SY 2016- 201733 Re- Orientation on the Conduct of Physical Fitness Test (PFT) and Updates on the School Sports Program34 Notice of Assessment (School Principal I, School Principal II, Master Teacher I, Master Teacher II)35 Third Division MANCOM Meeting36 Seminar- Workshop on Instructional Leadership37 Notice of Assessment for the Vacant Non-Teaching/ Administrative Positions38 Composition of Division Performance Review and Evaluation Committee (DPREC) for the PBB Grant FY 201539 Teachers' Induction Program40 Updating of Taxpayers Personal Exemptions (BIR 2305)41 Search for Outstanding Teachers and School Administrators42 Mobile Numbers of Different Coordinators43 List of Examination Personnel for 2016 LET Examinations44 Conduct of 2016 Semestral Break In- Service Training45 City Division Schools Press Conference46 Composition of Division Planning Committee (DPC) on Division Education Development Plan (DEDP) formulation47 Two- day Workshop on School Report Card (SRC) Preparation for SY 2016- 201748 Preparation for City Meet 2016